EPD Ireland
Data stock: Data that has been made publicly available

Process data set overview page

Data set: EJ Composite Access Cover (IE) (00.03.000)

Full name
EJ Composite Access Cover (IE)
Reference year
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Use advice for data set
This LCA covers the Product (A1-A3), End of Life (C1-C4), and benefits and loads beyond the system boundary (D)
Data set use approval
General comment
The dataset is representative for the production processes used in 2023. The data Quality Level, according to Table E.1 of EN15804+A2, Annex E, is as follows: • Time Representativeness is considered to be Very Good • Geographical Representativeness is considered to be Good • Technical Representativeness is considered to be Good Allocation of energies, electricity types and amounts to the various manufacturing processes is based on mass The cut-off criteria of section 6.3.6 of EN15804+A2 have been followed.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Independent external review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
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Owner of data set
Technical purpose
EJ composites access covers are fibre-reinforced polymer material, providing high strength, light weight solution for pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas. Size of the representative product for LCA is 300x300 mm. The product complies fully with the standard EN124:2015. For more information: https://www.igbc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/EPDIE-23-123-Composite-Access-Cover-IE-EJ-20290613.pdf The manufacturing process begins with the design of the composite access cover according to client specifications. Then, the moulding of the access cover begins with the lay-up process. Fiberglass mats are cut to the required size and layered into the mould. The arrangement of fibres and the number of layers impact the strength and stiffness of the final composite. Thermosetting resin is injected into the layers of reinforcing fibres. The resin saturates the fibres, creating a composite material when cured. The layered fibres and resin are subjected to a high internal mould pressure to remove air bubbles and ensure proper impregnation of the fibres with the resin. This step helps achieve a consistent and void-free composite. The composite material is allowed to cure, a process which involves a chemical reaction and cross linking of the resin that creates a strong and rigid matrix, bonding the reinforcing fibres together. Once the composite has cured, the access cover is demoulded and undergoes a quality control inspection. The completed composite access cover is packaged for transportation in a wooden pallet, covered in shrink wrap and secured with plastic banding.
Input Products
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
Data set format
Compliance systems
  • EN 15804+A2 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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