EPD Ireland
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Process data set overview page

Data set: Ecocem CEM III/C (00.03.002)

Other versions:00.03.00100.03.000

Full name
Ecocem CEM III/C
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General comment
Data flows have been modeled as realistically as possible. Data quality assessment is based on the principle that the primary data used for processes occurring at the production site is selected in the first instance. Where this is not available, other reference data is selected from appropriate sources. The dataset is representative for the production processes used in 2017 The process descriptions and quantities in this study are reproducible in accordance to the reference standards that have been used. The references of all sources, both primary and public sources and literature, have been documented in the LCA report. In addition, to facilitate the reproducibility of this LCA, a full set of data records has been generated which can be accessed via the EcoChain tool. This data portfolio contains a summary of all the data used in this LCA, and correspondingly, in the Ecocem Ireland EcoChain account.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
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  • Independent external review by
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License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
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Technical purpose
Ecocem is a (latent) hydraulic binder produced by grinding granulated blast furnace slag (GBS). After grinding it becomes GGBS that conforms with the EN 15167 standard. This product is called “Ecocem”. Ecocem is an “inter- mediate” product, i.e. a constituent for the production of concrete, as well as mortar, masonry mortar, and other cementitous-bound materials. Concrete producers determine the proportions of binders used (ordinary cement and Ecocem), so they are able to apply the optimal mix. This means that the use of Ecocem will vary with the intended application and requirements of the final concrete product. Besides producing Ecocem (GGBS), Ecocem Ireland also produses two different mixes of Ecocem and Portland cement. Ecocem CEM III/A contains up to 65% GGBS. Ecocem CEM III/C contains up to 95% GGBS. Ecocem CEM III/C. Ecocem is made only from GBS. Blast furnace slag (BS) is a residual portion of the reaction between the raw materials: iron ore, coal and limestone, as schematically illustrated in Figure 2. In the blast furnace, the iron ore is heated to about 1500 ° C. In the melt that is formed, the heavier molten iron sinks to the bottom and the remaining materials, mostly molten limestone, which forms the slag, are tapped off. The molten slag is then rapidly cooled under high pressure water jets, a process called quenching, where it is cooled into small granular pieces. This resulting product is granulated blast furnace slag (GBS). The GBS is imported to Ecocem’s plant from different locations throughout Europe. At the production facility in Dublin, the various slags are pre-mixed in the storage yard before milling, to ensure a consistent quality. When the GBS is pre-mixed, it is transported with a shovel and fed into a hopper at the production facility is (Figure 2 right side). At this time, the GBS still contains about 10% moisture. By means of a gas dryer, this mois- ture is evaporated from the GBS which is then fed into the ball mill to be ground until it reaches the appropri- ate fineness. In the separator, the fine particles that meet the required fineness are separated and discharged into the storage silo. At this stage the product is a ground GBS, referred to as GGBS (ground granulated blast furnace slag). Ground material that is still too coarse is fed back into the ball mill to be ground further. From the storage silo the Ecocem product (GGBS) is ready to be transported to the customer. To create Ecocem CEM III/A and Ecocem CEMIII/C is blended with CEM I Portland cement.
Input Products
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Compliance systems
  • EN 15804 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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