EPD Ireland
Data stock: Data that has been made publicly available

Process data set overview page

Data set: Concrete Bunker Retaining Wall (00.03.000)

Full name
Concrete Bunker Retaining Wall
Reference year
Valid until
Reference flow(s)
LCIA results included?
Use advice for data set
This LCA covers the Product (A1 - A3), Construction Process (A4 - A5), End of Life (C1 - C4), and benefits and loads beyond the system boundary (D)
Data set use approval
General comment
The dataset is representative for the production processes used in 2021, in the country of production, Northern Ireland. The data Quality Level, according to Table E.1 of EN 15804 +A2, Annex E, is as follows: • Geographical representativeness: Very Good • Technical representativeness: Very Good • Time representativeness: Very Good Allocation of energy and electricity types and amounts to the various manufacturing processes has been provided by the manufacturers along with production waste. Allocation of impacts to the products is based on the product composition mass. Flows related to human activities such as employee transport are excluded. The construction of capital assets such as buildings, manufacture of machines and transportation systems are also excluded since the related flows are assumed to be negligible compared to the manufacture of the building material when compared to these systems over a full lifetime of operation. The cut-off criteria of section 6.3.6 of EN15804:2012+A2:2019 have been followed, where 99% of the total energy and materials are included, and the total neglected input flows for the modules reported on in the LCA are less than 5% of the energy usage and mass
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
No records found.
Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Independent external review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Access information
Owner of data set
Moore Concrete Products Ltd
Technical purpose
This average product EPD is for Moore Concrete's precast concrete bunker wall. The results presented in this EPD are the results for a weighted average of the concrete mixes and steel reinforcement of the bunker wall products manufactured by Moore Concrete in 2021. The raw materials are cements, GGBS, aggregates, admixtures, reinforcing steel and lifting accessories. In addition, consumables include steel and timber for formwork, release agents and curing agents, plastic and concrete spacers. The products are manufactured in accordance with the following standards: EN 13369 'Common rules for precast concrete products'; EN 15258 'Precast concrete Products. Retaining wall elements'. The precast units are delivered to site on flat-bed trucks. No product packaging is used in the delivery to the customer, other than re-useable wood skids, as and when needed. The precast products are manufactured from cement and cement replacements, aggregates, water and a variety of admixtures. The concrete mix ingredients are batch-weighed, mixed and dropped into a hopper that is transported across the factory hall so that the fresh concrete is then placed into the selected formwork/mould. The moulds are prepared with a mould oil, reinforcing bars and spacers before the mix is poured. Once the fresh concrete is placed in the moulds, the surface is sprayed with a curing agent to assist curing. The moulds are left in place on the factory floor to allow the concrete to cure. Demoulding of the precast concrete elements takes place once the correct strength has been achieved. Units are finished in the factory and transported to a storage area.
Input Products
No records found.
No records found.
Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
Data set format
Compliance systems
  • EN 15804+A2 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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