General comment Data quality:
Geographical representativeness: Very good. Data is from the area under study (Europe), where all the raw materials come from western Europe.
Technical representativeness: Good. Data is from the processes and products under study. The same state of technology that is used by Mannok is that defined in the goal and scope. For the plastic beads raw material, there are two sources of LCA data (1) is from the industry-specific dataset, supplied by Plastics Europe, which is greater than 2 years from the date of production, and is representative of the industry, (2) is from one of the four specific manufacturers.
Time representativeness: Good.
The measurement of environmental impacts in this EPD uses the LCIA methodologies recommended for PEF 3.1. In this EPD, the waste processes are allocated in the relevant module. In the case of the use of secondary materials or energy recovered from secondary fuels, the system boundary between the system under study and the previous system (providing the secondary materials) is set where outputs of the previous system, e.g. materials, products, building elements or energy, reach the end-of-waste state. The modularity and the polluter payer principles have been followed.
Cut-off criteria:
All relevant inputs and outputs - like emissions, energy and materials - have been taken into account in this LCA, and in accordance with EN15804+A2:2019. The study covers at least 95% of the materials and energy per module and at least 99% of the total use of materials and energy of each unit process. Long term emissions have been excluded from the study.