Technical purpose This EPD is for baseTherm's bound EPS ballasting floor insulation material. The raw materials for the bound EPS ballasting floor insulation are Portland cement, expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads, water and admixtures. The raw materials are mixed on-site before being pumped into place on the floor of the structure.
The bound EPS ballasting provides a firm insulating floor surface. It is manufactured in accordance with I.S. EN 16025-1:2013, "Thermal and/or sound insulating products in building construction. Bound EPS ballasting requirements for factory premixed EPS dry plaster". The intended use of the bound EPS ballasting is in domestic and commercial construction as a bound EPS ballasting floor insulation, providing the dual functions of insulation and a solid floor bearing surface.
General technical specifications and performance characteristics are given below:
Particle size group of EPS N: = 6mm
Apparent density of fresh mortar ± 10%: ± 353 kg/m³
Thermal Conductivity ? 90/90: 0.069 W/mK
Bound EPS Density ± 10%: ± 250 kg/m³
Reaction to Fire: Class A1
Compressive Strength s10: CS (10)600
Compressibility: = 2mm
Creep: CC(3/3/10)3.5, CC(3/3/10)6.5, CC(3/3/10)6.5
Water Vapour Diffusion Resistance: 5 to 20
Water absorption by short term partial immersion: = 0.8 kg/m²
Dynamic Stiffness: 475 MN/m³
baseTherm® Characteristics to I.S. EN 16025-1:2013
The bound EPS density is the mass of the dried mortar, after installation and hardening/drying. This density is to be used to convert the volume of the installed BEPS to a mass (kg) value. [The apparent density is the mass density of the fresh (wet) mortar mix during installation].
The bound EPS ballasting is made by mixing the ingredients on site in a specially designed mixing truck, and then pumped into place on the floor of the building. |