EPD Ireland
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Process data set overview page

Data set: Cedral Fibre Cement Slates (00.03.001)

Other versions:00.03.000

Full name
Cedral Fibre Cement Slates
Reference year
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General comment
Data quality: Data flows have been modeled as realistically as possible. Data quality assessment is based on the principle that the primary data used for processes occurring at the production site is selected in the first instance. Where this is not available, other reference data is selected from appropriate sources. Data collection period: The dataset is representative for the production processes used in 2019. The process descriptions and quantities in this study are reproducible in accordance to the reference standards that have been used. The references of all sources, both primary and public sources and literature, have been documented in the LCA report. In addition, to facilitate the reproducibility of this LCA, a full set of data records has been generated which can be accessed via the Ecochain tool. This data portfolio contains a summary of all the data used in this LCA, and correspondingly, in the Cedral fibre cement roof slates Ecochain account.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Independent external review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Cedral - Etex Ireland Ltd
Technical purpose
This LCA is carried out for the Cedral fibre cement slate. The constituent raw materials of the slate comprise: cement, GGBS, limestone, admixtures, synthetic fibres, pigments, paint and water. Cedral fibre cement slates are manufactured in accordance with IS EN 492:2012+A2:2018, ‘Fibre-cement slates and fittings. Product specification and test methods. This LCA is carried out for the Cedral fibre cement slate. The constituent raw materials of the slate comprise: cement, GGBS, limestone, admixtures, synthetic fibres, pigments, paint and water. Cedral fibre cement slates are manufactured in accordance with IS EN 492:2012+A2:2018, ‘Fibre-cement slates and fittings. Product specification and test methods.3.1 Manufacturing Process DescriptionCedral fibre cement slates are manufactured from a slurry of the above raw materials. The process is similar to the process used in papermaking, the Hatschek Process. Cellulose papers are mixed with water and refined to a consistency suitable for mixing with further materials. Ground limestone, synthetic fibres, and other minor constituents are then mixed with the cellulose slurry. This mix is then pumped into the final mixer, where additional water, cement and GGBS are added. The slurry is fed into vats containing rotating sieve cylinders that deposit a thin layer on to a felt. The layer is then transferred to a forming drum until a sheet of the desired thickness is achieved. This sheet is trimmed and cut into the required slate sizes. These are then placed between forming templates and compressed. The compressed slates are cured in a heated chamber and then at ambient indoor conditions. Then they are coated with pigmented paints. Finally, the slates are palletised, and are ready for despatch to the market.This LCA also covers the installation, use and end-of-life stages. This covers: transport to customer, installation on site, deconstruction/demolition, disposal and re-use. Installation on site includes use of copper nails/rivets to fix the slates. In the use phase (B1), it is assumed that the slates carbonate. At the end of life, it is assumed the slates are used to replace raw limestone that is used as a raw material for making cement.
Input Products
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Compliance systems
  • EN 15804 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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